Founder / Lead Designer

Hi, my name is Hunter 👋

Thanks for checking out Keep Going Designs! Keep Going Designs is a web design and development service I started to help startups, SMEs, and brands grow their businesses.

Keep Going Designs is not just a service; it's a testament to the resilience born from daring to dream big. I started my design journey right after leaving the traditional path of college to start a clothing/lifestyle brand. I was ambitious. I had great ideas. But, it didn’t work. Why? Lack of research, strategy, and execution.

The venture may not have panned out as planned, but from those ashes rose the mantra to Keep Going. Those early days laid the groundwork for a proven design process grounded in psychology, research, and strategy that has been strengthened by my education in Interaction Design. This meticulous journey has formed core design philosophies and values at Keep Going Designs.

We understand the heartbeat of good design lies in effective communication, unraveling the "why" behind every design choice, and the artful execution of creativity. This core philosophy empowers us to craft exceptional websites, web apps, and mobile apps that not only meet but exceed the needs of our clients and their users. 💡

If you're looking to improve your services, website, or think your business could benefit from better design. Let's chat.

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Get in touch with us to schedule a call and we will respond within 24 hours on business days.